Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Uncatalogued Aria

Words become flesh. The realist shit ever wrote can only be recognized by those who can see with their 3rd eye. The one who can understand the depth in every moment. Can see a portrait of an instance with instinct. See the light but also the shadow that holds life and time. The ones who express for therapy and the ones who read therapeutically. When you look, look with acceptance and understand you alone can only decide to see the guidance in matter.
Look in the mirror. What do you see? Is it your life that you perceive? Who is navigating you? What is navigating you? Are you even being directed? Look in the mirror and you see that fitted cap tilted to the right, with you hair strategically laid against your forehead to hide your plateau of innocence. Hiding the landscape of a tattered soul. Move down to an oasis that is sheltered by specs the size of Cd's. The shades that hide your insides, your being. Those lenses hide more then your truth, but your vulnerability. Hiking through the world with a demeanor that is full of ambiguity. No one can see in, on the contrary you aren't really looking out. Eyes defy the material. They are what is left once the clothes and accessories are gone. They will travel with you and see everything. Coincidentally they show everything. Those eyes, show the tribulations and trial of your inner messiah. The truth of your emotions. Only to be resurrected if you still believe. The divine speaks to only those who will listen. Your psyche says what you want it to. You can think with your mind, but your heart will reveal truth. A constant battle between the practical and the spiritual.
The practical is the defense mechanism. It plays an afflicted symphony against your soul. Fighting in offense in defense, and forgets that survival in Homosapien minds is to find serenity. This biological entitlement to find its equilibrium.
The struggle of man is self scrutiny. From analyzing your life and learning your SELF, whether it be through truthfulness or falseness. Leads you contemplation, leaves you judging yourself with the sense of sin. Sin is not a God concept. It is a moral dilemma instinctively learned for each individual, its measure varies person to person, but the verdict can be the same. SELF destruction. We are programmed to believe that shortcomings are faults and that if we continue to live as a "deviant" in our reality, that we should suffer. This leads to the annihilation of the SELF.
Self scrutiny does not have to lead to the destruction of oneself and the divergence from reality. Through self knowledge one can learn to understand and appreciate the world. Realise the beauty of their obstacles and see the truth in the darkest areas. Light is seen most in darkness. Life's goal should not be to reach a state of melancholy. Committing such carnage on oneself has no end and the feelings will create a more hate towards oneself.
You are the culprit and the victim in your world. You are the culprit and victim in the real world. To be a culprit you are a victim of society, victim of a life that never appreciated you. You subconsciously, or possibly consciously decide to spread this disease with you actions. That you have been entitled to behave in this manner because the world is a horrible place and that is your niche. This is juvenile. The world works without you.
The victim, and there are to many of these, are the ones who cannot control the world around them. Constantly subjected to treatment that rips their souls until they feel like the incubus that made them. They are of greatness, hold the innocence which is truth. This greatness is what people hurt. The dominant are not always the great.
Life is a transition, and identifying yourself in a classification is a crime to your being. With definition comes an anchor that leaves you stuck in time. ::Cliche:: life must be fluid. Like the eyes of an infant who is looking for a new stimulate all the time. Wide eyed open. Life is progression and no one can survey what progression truly is. Some things are just to abstract. Truth must be found outside of your constructs. The satisfaction is knowing you can always look outside of your world and know there is something greater out there.
This humility must be reached so one can live, love, and create. Be wise and humble, it is your responsibility to bring others to the truth. Once your eyes are open, never let them close, because while you are looking out, someone is looking in.